Friday, September 27, 2013

English III Unit Review PART 1

On Tuesday, October 1, you will have your unit/six weeks test. It will cover: Native American stories, parts of speech, parts of a sentence, and persuasive appeals. We will review in class on Friday and Monday, but if you need some additional help, here are some videos that will help clarify things. *check out my parts of speech post to see all the school house rock explanations. 


another explanation with advertising examples

Parts of a Sentence: Subject, Predicate

Beowulf Review

In case you missed some of the story, or want a quick recap, here is an interesting video summary about the epic poem, BEOWULF:

You will have a character review/quiz on Monday before your presentations

Remember: Presentations and Posters are due on Monday. The rest of the study guide is due on Wednesday (when you take the test).

-Mrs. Cantu

Friday, September 6, 2013

English III

Here is the Presentation from Tuesday and Wednesday over Native American Literature.

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="1440" height="1109" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>

These notes should be on page 16 of your notebook.  Your response on page 17 is to list myths you have heard before (as many as you can think of), local, American, Mexican, etc. Then, explain what unexplainable, mysterious thing does the myth try to explain.

-Mrs. Cantu

EDIT:  Apparently the html isn't working, so here is the link:

Table of Contents

Here are the Table of Contents for both classes (as of September 6, 2013).

                English III
8-27..........I Activity.......................................2
9-3............Interactive Notebook Notes.............4
8-28..........Parts of Speech..............................6-7
8-30..........Parts of a Sentence........................8-9
8-30&9-3...Sentence Types.............................10-13
9-10..........Commonly Confused Words.............14-15*
9-4............Native American Lit Notes..............16-17
9-6............Making Inferences.........................18
9-6............The Earth on Turtle's Back..............19

                English IV Honors
8-27..........I Activity.......................................2
9-3............Interactive Notebook Notes.............4
8-28..........Parts of Speech..............................6-7
8-30..........Parts of a Sentence........................8-9
8-30&9-3...Sentence Types.............................10-13
9-10..........Commonly Confused Words.............14-15*
9-4............Anglo-Saxon Literature Notes..........16-17
9-5............TPCASTT Notes..............................18
9-6............The Seafarer TPCASTT....................19-21**

*have not covered in class yet
**pages numbers may vary

For both classes: DLPs should be the last 14 sheets of paper in your notebook.  Monday-Thursday will be on one side, Friday's work will be on the flip side.

1st Page of DLP: Week of September 2

2nd Page of DLP:

Remember I will check your notebooks periodically, and I may or may not announce it ahead of time.

-Mrs. Cantu


-Mrs. Cantu

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Interactive Notebook

Here is the link to the notes explaining your Interactive Notebook.  If you didn't copy the notes, please take time to write down the proper way of using your notebook. I know there was some confusion as to where to glue/write things.  Hopefully after the initial confusion is cleared up, we can all be on the same page (literally). 

Table of Contents so far (this is for both Eng III and Eng Honors):

8-27 I Activity pg 2
9-2 Interactive Notebook Notes pg 4
8-28 Parts of Speech pg 6
8-30 - 9-3 Sentence Types pg 10-13

Hope this helps!
-Mrs. Cantu


Don't forget to check out your textbook! You will have homework out of it this week (Thursday to be exact).

-Mrs. Cantu