Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Persuasive Writing

I wanted to share some persuasive writing tips that will help with the EOC, ACT and just plain ol' writing in general.  So here they are:

  • Understand what you are writing about and don't forget it! Nothing bugs an English teacher or essay grader more than to read an essay that starts off well, but goes off on a tangent and misses the point. Always keep the prompt in mind.  
  • Know your audience. If you are writing an essay for class, make sure you are writing things that are appropriate for your teacher (or principal) to read.
  • Think of convincing, logical arguments to persuade your audience.  Logos is the most commonly used appeal in terms of your essay.
  • Edit, Rewrite, Repeat.  No one writes a perfect essay, poem, or novel the first time.  I know some situations don't allow you to rewrite your essay- like EOC or ACT- but you can still proofread before turning in your work.  You don't want to do it, but taking a couple minutes to read through your writing can be the difference between failing and passing.  

Write on,
Mrs. Cantu

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