Friday, November 1, 2013

The 3 Cs: Chivalry, Courtly Love, and Civility

In my last post, I shared he link to the website where you can find the lists of rules noblemen and women had to follow in order to be considered civilized, chivalrous, and properly in love.  There was a bit of confusion about what to do in your notebooks, so I hope this post helps alleviate some of that.

First, you were supposed to summarize the rules/ guidelines in your King Arthur notes on page 42 (this is in my notebook, your page #s may vary).  Your summary should note the reoccurring traits of chivalry, then love, then civility NOT all three together. 

On the next three pages you are going to do the following: choose 1 rule from each section and analyze it in terms of its relevance in the Middle Ages and today. You also need to create a visual for each rule. 

When writing your analysis think about the following: this rule was accepted as appropriate to the crown, nobility and knights of the time, but is it still relevant today? Briefly explain in your notebook.

Here are pictures do these pages in my notebook: 

King Arthur notes (42) If you need to finish the notes, you can find the Prezi here.

Code of Chivalry (43):

Courtly Love (44):

Civility (45):

I hope this helps.  Have these ready to turn in on Monday.  Also, you need to read "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" pgs 171-183 by Monday. There will be a quiz over this.

One last thing about Monday- because of benchmark testing 1-6th periods will meet in the Main Gym on Monday and Tuesday 11-4 & 11-5.  7th and 8th- we will be back in the classroom.

Have a great weekend!
-Mrs. Cantu

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